From January to March 2025, I'm running a series of in-person salons on Australian policy problems. Get tickets or learn more here.


Below you'll find a collection of various pieces I've written, including essays, research notes and short blog posts.

Australia’s State Capacity: A Literature Review

A working paper by Peter Bowers and Joseph Walker, originally prepared in preparation for Joseph Walker's podcast conversation with Steven Hamilton and Richard Holden

I've not published any blog posts yet. Check back soon!

Note on 'The Echidna Strategy' by Sam Roggeveen

A note on a book by the security policy analyst Sam Roggeveen.

A summary of some of Peter Tulip's papers

A summary of some key papers by the Australian economist and housing expert Peter Tulip.

Note on 'Australia's Pandemic Exceptionalism', by Steven Hamilton & Richard Holden

A note on a book by the economists Steven Hamilton and Richard Holden.

Note on 'Battlers & Billionaires', by Andrew Leigh

A note on a book by Andrew Leigh, an Australian politician and former economics professor.

Note on 'Population Shock', by Abul Rizvi

A note on a book by Abul Rizvi, a former Australian senior public servant who managed Australia's migration program from 1995 to 2007.