#88: A (New) Darwinian Left – Peter Singer (Live In Melbourne)
1 min read

Peter Singer is the world’s most influential living philosopher.
Show notes
Selected links
- ‘The Dos and Donts of Social Distancing’, The Atlantic article by Kaitlyn Tiffany
- Endcoronavirus.org guidelines
- Follow Peter: Website | Twitter
- The Life You Can Save, by Peter Singer
- ‘The people’s decade: how will history come to define the 2010s?’, The Spectator article by Niall Ferguson
- ‘High Tide? Populism in Power, 1990-2020’, report by the Tony Blair Institute For Global Change
- ‘Going to Extremes: Politics after Financial Crises, 1870-2014’, paper by Manuel Funke, Moritz Schularick, and Christoph Trebesch
- A Darwinian Left, by Peter Singer
- ‘The end of left and right’, 2005 The Spectator article by Andrew Kenny
- The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins
- ‘Reintroducing group selection to the human behavioral sciences’, 1994 paper by David Sloan Wilson and Elliott Sober
- The Descent of Man, by Charles Darwin
Topics discussed
- Is the left in retreat around the Anglosphere? 14:42
- What does “the left” even mean? 18:32
- How can the left be more Darwinian? 22:40
- Selfish gene theory vs group selection. 29:09
- Have the New Atheists outlived their usefulness? 43:15