#85: The Evolution Of A Renegade – David Sloan Wilson
2 min read

David Sloan Wilson is an evolutionary biologist.
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Show notes
Selected links
- Follow David: Website | Twitter
- The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins
- River Out Of Eden, by Richard Dawkins
- The Descent Of Man, by Charles Darwin
- Animal Dispersion In Relation To Social Behavior, by Vero Wynne-Edwards
- Adaptation And Natural Selection, by George C Williams
- ‘Reintroducing Group Selection to the Human Behavioral Sciences’, 1994 paper by David Sloan Wilson & Eliot Sober
- The Meaning Of Human Existence, by E O Wilson
- ‘Gender and Politics Among Anthropologists in the Units of Selection Debate’, 2014 survey by Yaworsky, Horowitz & Kickham
- The Man In The Grey Flannel Suit, by Sloan Wilson
- Sociobiology, by E O Wilson
- Governing The Commons, by Elinor Ostrom
- Animal Species And Evolution, by Ernst Mayr
- Simpson’s paradox
- ‘The False Allure of Group Selection’, Steven Pinker’s Edge.org article
- ‘Understanding and Sharing Intentions: The Origins of Cultural Cognition’, 2005 article by Mike Tomasello et al
- Dave’s conversation with Jonathan Birch
- Darwin’s Cathedral, by David Sloan Wilson
- This View of Life, by David Sloan Wilson
- ‘Human prosociality from an evolutionary perspective: variation and correlations at a city-wide scale’, 2009 paper by David Sloan Wilson et al
- ‘Social Baseline Theory: The Social Regulation of Risk and Effort’, 2015 paper by James Coan & David Sbarra
- Prosocial.world
Topics discussed
- Does Dave actually enjoy his father’s books? 15:21
- How did Dave’s father’s fame affect Dave as a child? 17:50
- Dave’s relationship with his mother. 21:17
- Is Dave an atheist? 23:10
- The benefits of boarding school. 23:53
- Where did Dave first encounter the theory of evolution by natural selection? 29:16
- The three ingredients for natural selection. 32:32
- Are natural selection and evolution synonymous? 33:33
- Life-changing books Dave read while at college. 38:30
- What Dave learned from studying zooplankton. 39:36
- A crash course in group selection. 42:46
- Why did group selection fall out of favour? 1:03:16
- Dave’s crusade to revive group selection. 1:19:23
- What is altruism? 1:27:14
- How does selfish gene theory explain altruism? 1:34:05
- How does Dave define groups? 1:50:57
- The averaging fallacy. 1:55:10
- Are groups “replicators” or “vehicles”? 1:57:50
- Is “shared intentionality” evidence for group selection? 2:03:24
- What accounts for Richard Dawkins’ outsized influence? 2:09:18
- What is religion? 2:13:48
- Why do religions exist? 2:14:57
- Richard Dawkins’ and Bret Weinstein’s different takes on the evolution of religion. 2:19:48
- How did the Jewish community survive persecution by developing a belief in the afterlife? 2:37:38
- Dave’s shift to reforming communities in the real world. 2:42:20
- Elinor Ostrom’s core design principles, and how public policy can benefit from evolutionary thinking. 2:52:57
- Social Baseline Theory. 2:56:40