#91: How To Put The Economy Into A Coma – Chris Edmond & Steve Hamilton
1 min read

Chris Edmond and Steve Hamilton are Australian economists.
Show notes
Selected links
- Follow Chris Edmond: Website | Twitter
- Follow Steve Hamilton: Website | Twitter
- ‘A Rush Back to ‘Normal’ Would Be the Blunder of the Century’, WIRED’s interview of Larry Summers
- ‘Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions to reduce COVID-19 mortality and healthcare demand’, Imperial College London paper by Neil Ferguson et al
- ‘How the recession we have to have can be sharp but short’, The Australian Financial Review article by Steve Hamilton and Stan Veuger
- ‘Coronavirus: payroll subsidy will save the economy’, The Australian article by Chris Edmond and Bruce Preston
Topics discussed
- What happens to an economy when non-essential workers are told to stay home? 9:22
- The false choice between health and economic outcomes. 20:53
- How long do lockdowns need to last? 36:39
- Are Australia’s lockdowns hard enough? 43:46
- What does pandemic-appropriate fiscal stimulus look like? 46:29
- Is this the end of surplus fetishism? 59:45
- JobKeeper. 1:06:44
- Will Australia see further rounds of stimulus? 1:19:21
- Is the financial economy healthy? 1:22:33
- Which one piece of advice would Steve and Chris give to the Australian Government? 1:26:26