#79: On Radical Uncertainty, "Phantastic Objects", and Blowing Bubbles – David Tuckett
2 min read

David Tuckett is a psychoanalyst, Professor, and Director of the Centre for the Study of Decision-Making Uncertainty at University College London. He founded a new field of research known as “emotional finance”.
Show notes
Selected links
- Follow David: Website | Twitter
- Minding the Markets, by David Tuckett
- Risk, Uncertainty and Profit, by Frank Knight
- The Poverty of Historicism, by Karl Popper
- ‘The role of emotions in financial decisions’, 2012 Nicholas Barbon Lecture by David Tuckett
- ‘The role of conviction and narrative in decision-making under radical uncertainty’, 2017 paper by David Tuckett introducing “Conviction Narrative Theory”
- Uncertain Futures, by Jens Beckert
- Irrational Exuberance, by Robert Shiller
- Dymphna Boholt’s property podcast
- Aussie Home Loans’ extrapolated median house values by 2043 report
- A Crisis of Beliefs, by Shleifer and Gennaioli
- ‘Extensional Versus Intuitive Reasoning: The Conjunction Fallacy in Probability Judgment’, 1983 paper by Tversky and Kahneman that reports the “Linda problem”
- Rage Inside the Machine, by Robert Smith
- The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, by John Maynard Keynes
- Descartes’ Error, by Antonio Damasio
- Narrative Economics, by Robert Shiller
- ‘Narrative Economics’, Robert Shiller’s 2017 presidential address to the AEA
- The Foundations of Statistics, by Leonard Savage
- ‘Tracking phantastic objects: A computer algorithmic investigation of narrative evolution in unstructured data’, 2014 paper by David Tuckett et al
- ‘Do Gun Buybacks Save Lives?’, paper by Andrew Leigh and Christine Neill
- ‘Recourse and Residential Mortgage Default: Theory and Evidence from U.S. States’, working paper by the Richmond Fed
- A Short History of Financial Euphoria, by John Kenneth Galbraith
- ‘The Housing Market and the Economy’, 2019 speech by Philip Lowe
Topics discussed
- What do modern psychoanalysts do? And David’s journey to founding “emotional finance”. 4:37
- Knightian uncertainty. 9:52
- Why is the future fundamentally uncertain? 14:20
- Does a world of Knightian uncertainty give us carte blanche to believe whatever we want to about fundamentals? 22:18
- Are extrapolative claims peddled by Australian property gurus in any sense “irrational”? 31:18
- The great rationality debate and the (limited) contributions of behavioural economics. 40:46
- The role of emotions in financial decision-making. 57:25
- Asian buyers narrative in the Australian housing market. 1:06:36
- What is a “narrative” in the context of market fundamentals? 1:12:18
- “Phantastic objects” and how to find them. 1:25:19
- “Divided states”. 1:36:14
- Not groupthink, but groupfeel. 1:45:00
- Joe’s statistically insignificant theory about housing bubble bears. 1:52:26
- A heuristic for spotting when the market views something as a phantastic object. 1:58:51
- The anatomy of a bubble. 2:00:41
- Houses as phantastic objects. 2:02:33
- How small groups of fanatics can blow bubbles. 2:09:41
- What should policy-makers and central bankers take from David’s research? 2:13:52